Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Having the first move.......

Thanks for the advice!!! Her words really gives me to think and review on myself. Not all man think like a woman a not all woman think like a man. Perhaps a guy like me would live in his shadow himself rather than express himself to anyone. "U have to make the first move" by one of my friend. Well, to think again why don't I just give a shot perhaps it will turn out to be positive way. Well, who knows. Well, I know what I'm capable of and knows where my standard at but yeah she's right, to make the first move is crucial thou whoever the person is. My problem with my neighbor in front of my house still not solved thou. If I have the chance to say "I'm sorry" I want to say it. Right now, I feel so uncomfortable with their reaction everytime we met accidentally anywhere. Everyone seems okay with them but me!!! Perhaps I have to do the first move then. Well,......after my final exam is over of course!!!!!

Yup, opportunities are everywhere, just have to find the right time and the right place. K see yeah. ^_^

Monday, April 28, 2014

Today, we going to SUSHI place in Omaha. Well, its about an hour from Lincoln. Well, Omaha is the biggest city of Nebraska. No doubt that I was astonish its building like look alike Chicago.
Well, for me Omaha is kind an awesome place. HAHAHA. Well, we went to sushi or the place we called "TOKYO" having dinner together with all the members. Of course buffet!!!!
But there's more than that. Its just I was so hungry at that time. Well, I was not eat all day long thou. Have great time with my seniors since they will be graduating soon. Gonna miss them a lot thou. :( K see yeah!!!! ^_^

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Throwback SKIING!!!!

Assalamualaikum, well on my spring break this year, I'm having so much fun with some of my friends. Well, although they kind a older but who cares right??!!! Anyway, age is just a number for us to realize how much time have we spent in our whole life. Well, that's my perspective of view.
Yup, that's the first photo I take at Colorado. I was "WOW", and I thought to myself that how amazing Allah's creation is. Well, of course Malaysia doesn't have this kind of scene. Ow ya, If you want to know Nebraska also doesn't have any kind of scene that similar to that picture..hahahaha. Well, we have to drive almost like 11 hours to reach there thou. Yup, sleep at rest area was not really comfortable since I sit at the middle seat. (I really hate it). But then since I'm the youngest of them all, I just have to give up on everything. hahaha.. But then, after we almost reach our hotel It was so amazing, perhaps speechless I could say..hahaha.
Its amazing isn't it!!!?? ^_^ So then, the next day is the funniest day and the greatest getaway in my life..(Okay, that's kind a overrated)..Nvm. Well, actually we hired a trainer thou although its takes some cost to pay for it but after we learn the basic stuff of skiing, it was great skiing like normal American would be. Well, at first there's always like stumbling, hit a tree (okay that was me), hit a friend and all sort of funny stuff.
It was FUN FUN FUN. I hope I can go skiing again whenever I have money income. HAHAHAHA. LOL. MOre pictures!!!!
Have a great time together with those bros. HAHAHA.

Back Online ( I guess).. ^_^

Assalamualaikum, Back again writing some entry that I already kind a stop after 2 years long. Yup, It's been almost two semester I've been in Lincoln, Nebraska. I know its kind fast thou. But that hows life goes on. The reason for this blog was a friend of mine that asking me about my blog that she look at for the past 2 years. Well, at first i was blurred thou because, well you know that its been 2 years and its a long period of time since then. Well, perhaps I have the time that I need on summer then. Wish me luck guys. ^_^
Yup, that's my panda and I bought it from Shanghai. CUTE ISN'T IT!!!!??? hahahaha